
Showing posts from April, 2024

Peek Beyond the Pika

Hey Friend, Today let's talk about a very special piece of art:  "Peek Beyond the Pika." You've heard a lot about the progress of this piece the last two months, but not so much the purpose. I had this piece on my mind for a while. I wanted to tell the story of pika, this adorable and iconic Rocky Mountain animal, and it's role in telling the climate change story. A good story has many layers, like an ecosystem. The greater the biodiversity, the healthier a landscape.  Pika, while the lead role in this story, help to tell many other stories.  Pika ( Ochotona daurica ) are what wildlife biologists call “an indicator species.” They survive on plants specialized for high alpine tundra habitats (like the flowers this little guy carries). These plants are sensitive to climate change. So, as climate change warms our mountains and shrinks the range of these plants, scientists are made aware by changes in pika populations and ranges. Pika “indicate” the change, and those

Plastics vs. Planet: Celebrating Earth Day!

In 1970, amidst a burgeoning environmental movement in the United States, Earth Day was born. The US had invaded Vietnam and young people were protesting across the country, Rachel Carson had published "Silent Spring" and sold half a million copies world wide, and Americans were becoming more aware of the negative impacts of industry and war on their beloved ecosystems. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin (D), spurred by a devastating oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara, California, envisioned a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues. On April 22nd of that year, millions of people across the nation took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. This collective action sparked a wave of environmental consciousness, leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of landmark environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. Now, more than five deca

Embracing Change: Spring Clean with Eco-Friendly Art

Hi friend, Are you as happy as I am that spring is in the air? Spring is my favorite time of year. I love how the long winter gives way to renewal, growth, and warm change. It's also the perfect time to reflect on our personal habits and how we can do things better than last year. This includes consumption habits and embracing a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Springtime symbolizes renewal, growth, and transformation, making it an ideal moment to reconsider how our choices impact the planet. We can use this time to spring clean our spaces and old habits for new ones that more closely align with our current values, such as adorning our walls with nature-loving eco-friendly art. "Sunrise Over Flatirons" Eco-Friendly Watercolor Painting So, what exactly is eco-friendly art? It's a movement that prioritizes environmental responsibility at every stage of the artistic process. From the materials used to the packaging for shipment, eco-friendly art embodies a commitment to r